Interruptor Background 02

CZS Junior Research Group Leader for Quantum Photonics

Abbe Center of Photonics

Friedrich Schiller University is a traditional university with a strong research profile rooted in the heart of Germany. As a university covering all disciplines, it offers a wide range of subjects. Its research is focused on the areas Light—Life—Liberty. It is closely networked with non-research institutions, research companies and renowned cultural institutions. With around 18,000 students and more than 8,600 employees, the university plays a major role in shaping Jena’s character as a cosmopolitan and future-oriented city.

The Abbe Center of Photonics of our University (, being part of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Center (CZS) for Quantum Photonics ( with branches at the three University locations Jena-Stuttgart-Ulm, seeks to fill the position of CZS Junior Research Group Leader for Quantum Photonics.

The commencing date is in 2025 as early as possible after the call selection. The position of each CZS junior research group leader includes a grant of max. 700,000 EUR until March 31, 2030. The new group leader can use these funds flexible, e.g. for his/her own position, PhD students, investments, and consumables.

This call is part of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Center for Quantum Photonics Jena-Stuttgart-Ulm (CZS Center QPhoton), funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung under the project ID P2021-00-019. The vision of the CZS Center QPhoton is to establish a comprehensive and sustainable scientific, intellectual and infrastructural foundation for advanced quantum imaging and information processing, including optimized imaging and sensing techniques to monitor and control quantum systems, the application of quantum technologies to develop quantum-enhanced imaging methods, and the development and deployment of sophisticated methods to control and distribute quantum information.

Your responsibilities
Establishing a new CZS Junior Research Group for Quantum Photonics at the the Institute of Applied Physics ( and/or the Abbe Center of photonics ( ) at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena focusing on developing application-oriented technologies in the fields of quantum sensing, quantum imaging, and quantum information. A strong collaboration with the local Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering ( ) is also encouraged. The appointee is expected to establish an independent research profile at the interface of modern photonics and quantum science. Topics to be covered may include, but are not limited to:

• Photonic systems and integration for quantum control and quantum information processing.

• Quantum information processing methods and algorithms for data analysis, quantum-based network architectures, quantum communication and/or quantum computation.



Your profile
The call is open to postdocs at an early stage in their research careers that is up to five years after completion of the doctorate. Exceptions from this rule are possible, if well justified in the individual case.

CZS Junior Research Groups for Quantum Photonics are designed for talented early-career scientists who have already documented their potential for excellent science by an outstanding quality of their Doctorate/PhD research in optics and photonics. Furthermore, they should demonstrate the ability to supervise students and their leadership potential to run a research team. A successful postdoc period is highly appreciated. Knowledge of German is an advantage, but due to the international character of the center not strictly necessary. Further selection criteria are:

  • Scientific excellence of the candidate with regard to at least one of the above mentioned Innovation Areas,
  • Potential of competitiveness of the candidate for national and international funding schemes like Emmy Noether, ERC Starting grant, etc. in the quantum sciences and technologies,
  • Originality of the proposed research project in line with the strategic research goals of CZS QPhoton,
  • Feasibility of the project goals (e.g. joint publication perspective),
  • Credible expression of willingness of collaboration with the other locations (Jena, Stuttgart, Ulm).

We offer

  • The funds requested for a CZS Junior Research Group should be reasonably justified in the project proposal. Each of the four CZS Junior Research Groups receives up to 700,000 EUR funding from the host institution until March 31, 2030. The funding can be used very flexible, either to cover staff salaries (including the group leaders’ own position), consumables and investments. In addition, the junior research group will be given access to lab and office space as well as equipment, which will be fixed in a host letter upon the final appointment.
  • Remuneration based on the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Federal States (TV-L) at salary scale 13/14 - depending on the candidate’s personal qualifications-, including a special annual payment in accordance with the collective agreement.
  • 30 days of recreational leave in the calendar year plus two days off for Dec. 24 and Dec. 31.
  • Candidates with severe disabilities will be given preference in the case of equal qualifications and suitability.

How to apply

Besides the standard documents, applications should include the contact details of three referees supporting the application, a filled-in application form (download template at, and a detailed description of the proposed research program (6-pages maximum) indicating also the networking and contribution to the goals and Innovation Areas of the CZS QPhoton, the earliest starting date, and a short statement concerning reasonable co-funding of the project by other third-party funding sources.

Each application should be sent in one single PDF-file to
The application deadline is April 30, 2025.

Abbe Center of Photonics

Albert-Einstein-Straße 6
07745 Jena, Deutschland

CZS Junior Research Group Leader for Quantum Photonics
Friedrich Schiller University is a traditional university with a strong research profile rooted in the heart of Germany. As a university covering all disciplines, it offers a wide range of subjects. Its research is focused on the areas Light—Life—Liberty. It is closely networked with non-research institutions, research companies and renowned cultural institutions. With around 18,000 students and more than 8,600 employees, the university plays a major role in shaping Jena’s character as a cosmopolitan and future-oriented city. The Abbe Center of Photonics of our University (, being part of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Center (CZS) for Quantum Photonics ( with branches at the three University locations Jena-Stuttgart-Ulm, seeks to fill the position of CZS Junior Research Group Leader for Quantum Photonics. The commencing date is in 2025 as early as possible after the call selection. The position of each CZS junior research group leader includes a grant of max. 700,000 EUR until March 31, 2030. The new group leader can use these funds flexible, e.g. for his/her own position, PhD students, investments, and consumables. This call is part of the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Center for Quantum Photonics Jena-Stuttgart-Ulm (CZS Center QPhoton), funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung under the project ID P2021-00-019. The vision of the CZS Center QPhoton is to establish a comprehensive and sustainable scientific, intellectual and infrastructural foundation for advanced quantum imaging and information processing, including optimized imaging and sensing techniques to monitor and control quantum systems, the application of quantum technologies to develop quantum-enhanced imaging methods, and the development and deployment of sophisticated methods to control and distribute quantum information. Your responsibilitiesEstablishing a new CZS Junior Research Group for Quantum Photonics at the the Institute of Applied Physics ( and/or the Abbe Center of photonics ( ) at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena focusing on developing application-oriented technologies in the fields of quantum sensing, quantum imaging, and quantum information. A strong collaboration with the local Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering ( ) is also encouraged. The appointee is expected to establish an independent research profile at the interface of modern photonics and quantum science. Topics to be covered may include, but are not limited to: • Photonic systems and integration for quantum control and quantum information processing. • Quantum information processing methods and algorithms for data analysis, quantum-based network architectures, quantum communication and/or quantum computation.     Your profileThe call is open to postdocs at an early stage in their research careers that is up to five years after completion of the doctorate. Exceptions from this rule are possible, if well justified in the individual case. CZS Junior Research Groups for Quantum Photonics are designed for talented early-career scientists who have already documented their potential for excellent science by an outstanding quality of their Doctorate/PhD research in optics and photonics. Furthermore, they should demonstrate the ability to supervise students and their leadership potential to run a research team. A successful postdoc period is highly appreciated. Knowledge of German is an advantage, but due to the international character of the center not strictly necessary. Further selection criteria are: Scientific excellence of the candidate with regard to at least one of the above mentioned Innovation Areas, Potential of competitiveness of the candidate for national and international funding schemes like Emmy Noether, ERC Starting grant, etc. in the quantum sciences and technologies, Originality of the proposed research project in line with the strategic research goals of CZS QPhoton, Feasibility of the project goals (e.g. joint publication perspective), Credible expression of willingness of collaboration with the other locations (Jena, Stuttgart, Ulm). We offer The funds requested for a CZS Junior Research Group should be reasonably justified in the project proposal. Each of the four CZS Junior Research Groups receives up to 700,000 EUR funding from the host institution until March 31, 2030. The funding can be used very flexible, either to cover staff salaries (including the group leaders’ own position), consumables and investments. In addition, the junior research group will be given access to lab and office space as well as equipment, which will be fixed in a host letter upon the final appointment. Remuneration based on the provisions of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Federal States (TV-L) at salary scale 13/14 - depending on the candidate’s personal qualifications-, including a special annual payment in accordance with the collective agreement. 30 days of recreational leave in the calendar year plus two days off for Dec. 24 and Dec. 31. Candidates with severe disabilities will be given preference in the case of equal qualifications and suitability.
Quantum technologies
Abbe Center of Photonics
Albert-Einstein-Straße 6
Interruptor Background

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