Interruptor Background 03

Quantum Communication Infrastructure

Europe’s Quantum Communication Infrastructure initiative - EuroQCI

The European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) initiative aims to build a secure quantum communication infrastructure that will span the whole EU, including its overseas territories. It was launched in 2019 via the EuroQCI Declaration, which has now been signed by all 27 EU Member States. It builds upon the innovative quantum communication technologies develop under the Quantum Flagships ‘ramp-up phase’, in particular the OPENQKD project.

The first implementation phase of EuroQCI - funded under the European Commission’s Digital Europe Programme - kicked-off in January 2023 with focus on:

  • A set of industrial projects to develop and mature the key technological building blocks for the EuroQCI, with the aim of developing Europe’s quantum communication ecosystem and industry;
  • National projects allowing Member States to design and build the national quantum communication networks that will form the basis of the terrestrial segment, testing different technologies and protocols and adapting them to the specific needs of each country.

A list of the projects can be found on the homepage of PETRUS, which coordinates and supports the EuroQCI initiative. Further details on the initiative are given by the dedicated page of the European Commission.