Quantum Coordination Board (QCB)
Aligning the activities of the European Commission funding initiatives in Quantum Technologies.
To the projects
The Quantum Coordination Board (QCB) is tasked with coordinating and aligning the activities of the European Commission funding initiatives in Quantum Technologies (QT). The board's main responsibilities include coordinating and aligning the Quantum Flagship Research and Innovation project activities with QT-related initiatives and projects from complementary EU programmes and institutions, identifying cross-cutting topics and challenges, and proposing common solutions. The QCB is composed of a Core Group, General Assembly (GA), and Thematic Committees. The Core Group consists of representatives of Quantum Flagship project coordinators and project coordinators from other EC programs. The General Assembly includes all QT projects funded by the European Commission across all programs, represented by their project coordinators, and is set up as an open platform to build a community of quantum projects funded by the Commission. Thematic Committees are appointed by the Core Group, arranged by thematic objective, and are transversal with respect to the funding programmes. The purpose of these committees is to involve all participant project coordinators, based on their interests, in order to permit cross-project fertilization, exchange of information and the creation of collaboration opportunities. The QCB is established for the duration of the Quantum Flagship initiative, and every Quantum Flagship project is automatically a member of the QCB during the duration of the project. Furthermore, quantum projects from complementary EU funding programmes are members of the QCB on a voluntary basis. The projects are represented by their coordinators.

The structure of the Quantum Coordination Board.
The structure and function of the QCB can be better understood via a concentric circle diagram. The General Assembly (outer ring, blue) consists of >80 quantum technology projects from various European initiatives as shown. 25 QCB members are elected to the Core Group (centre ring), maintaining a good balance of initiatives, technological pillars, geography and gender. The eleven Thematic Committees (middle ring, purple) feature experts from all projects, and allow a more focussed discussion in their respective thematic areas.
Find more information about the QCB in the Terms of Reference.
List of Projects
This is a list of the EC-funded quantum technology projects that make up the Quantum Coordination Board (QCB). These are funded under various European Commission initiatives, including both Horizon and Digital Europe. You can find more details on the Quantum Flagship projects here.
Click on each project acronym below to find official information on CORDIS.
* denotes projects of the QCB Core Group