Catalonia Quantum Academy´- Student Research Fellowships
Catalonia Quantum Academy
Apply for this jobThe Catalonia Quantum Academy is offering up to 8 Student Research Fellowships for Master’s students s enrolled in a home university from outside the CQA, to undertake a research stay (internship or Master’s thesis project) at laboratories and research groups at a host institution within the CQA: https://cataloniaquantum.eu/about/
How to apply
Students must be enrolled in a university Masterâs program for the duration of the research stay. Students enrolled at a CQA partner University are not eligible for this fellowship, but can apply for Student Mobility Fellowship here.
Fellowships will be offered for a period of 2 to 6 months. The research stay may extend beyond the end of the fellowship.
The fellowships will include:
- For students enrolled in a home university outside Catalonia
- A stipend will be provided for the duration of the project for a maximum of 6 months at a rate of 600⬠/ month.
- Travel costs may be reimbursed up to a maximum of â¬500 for travel to and from Barcelona and the host institution.
- For students enrolled in a home university within Catalonia
- A stipend will be provided for the duration of the project for a maximum of 6 months at a rate of 300⬠/ month.
Fellowships may be used in conjunction with other fellowships or stipends (e.g. DigiQ, Erasmus+), in which case the rate of the stipend and travel costs may be adjusted accordingly by the selection committee.
Candidates are responsible for ensuring they have an appropriate visa and insurance for their stay. The CQA will not provide immigration or relocation support. Applicants may, however, request advice from their chosen host institute.
We aim for a gender balance in awarding these fellowships, defined as a maximum of 60% of any one gender.
The fellowship will be implemented via a transfer of funds to the correspond host institution or home university, subject to confirmation by both institutions. The research stay (internship or masters thesis) should be formalized between the host institution and home university as per standard procedures in place.
The stay should be formalized by an agreement between the home university and host institute which will be formalized according to standard procedures in place.

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