PASQuanS2.1 - Programmable Atomic Large-scale Quantum Simulation 2.1
Building on the achievements of the European Quantum Flagship project PASQuanS (2018-2022), PASQuanS2 sets out to further advance and scale up quantum simulation platforms based on atoms and ions, and stimulate a vibrant ecosystem for quantum simulation across Europe.
The project
Launched in April 2023, PASQuanS2 sets out to transform the development of programmable quantum simulation in Europe over the next seven years. Following a two-stage approach, one of the major objectives of this first project phase PASQuanS2.1 (running for the next 3.5 years), is the development of quantum simulators with at least 2,000 atoms and a path towards 10,000 while improving control, stability, and scalability. Building on the achievements of the previous phase EU Quantum Technology Flagship project PASQuanS, its mission is to bring about transformative advancements in quantum simulation. This includes leveraging cutting-edge technologies and fostering collaborative partnerships with industry technology partners, supply chain stakeholders, and end-users. By doing so, the project aims to create a conducive environment that will drive innovation and propel the field of Programmable Quantum Simulation forward.
The above text has been adapted from the PASQuans2 website.