OpenSuperQ - An Open Superconducting Quantum Computer
The overall vision of the OpenSuperQ project is to build a hybrid high-performance open quantum computer of up to 100 qubits and to sustainably make it available at a central site for external users.
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The Project
The international partners from academia and industry involved in the FET Flagship project OpenSuperQ aim at designing, building and operating a quantum information processing system. The scale of the computer of 50-100 qubits will be among the leading platforms in the world and presumably the first one developed in Europe. To maximise the impact of the project in the field, the project team strives to establish close links with European and international research and industry players as technology partners and users. Highly recognised stakeholders will contribute to the success of OpenSuperQ through their participation in the planned advisory board, the basic science group and a user board.
OpenSuperQ will provide access to the machine fostering scientific and exploitation progress which does not depend on the investment of individual players. One of the main results will be the establishment of a working prototype of a high-performance quantum computing system at Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ). It will provide all beneficiaries and science partners with physical access to the system while early adopting users will be granted remote access. This unique open approach is expected to fuel the translation of technologies into applications and educate the next generation of quantum scientists, developers and users.
The targeted quantum computing system of up to 100 qubits consists of a full hard-and software stack: The hardware will be based on superconducting integrated circuits and contain the necessary technological infrastructure including microwave electronics, control infrastructure and cryogenics. The software stack will be integrated from user access all the way to low-level control. While designed as an all-purpose quantum computer tightly integrated with classical computing infrastructure, the consortium particularly targets applications for quantum simulation in chemistry and materials science as well as for optimisation and machine learning.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No820363.