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The main Spanish Association of IT companies AMETIC has awarded the European Quantum Industry Consortium with the "Business Excellence prize in Quantum Technologies".
The industrial excellence award was given at the 35th Spanish Digital and Telecommunication Economy Summit, celebrated on September 3rd, in Santander (Spain). The organization granted the award highlighting the efforts made on community building process by gathering more than 500 stakeholders of quantum technologies in Europe and including more than 300 companies, academic institutions and other entities from all corners of Europe. The team was led by Professor Tommaso Calarco, Chair of the Quantum Community Network, and Ms. Laure Le Bars, President of QuIC.
QuIC is a precious partner to develop a thriving quantum industrial ecosystem in Europe
Thomas Skordas / Director of Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure of DG CONNECT
The work towards establishing the European Quantum Industry Consortium started early in 2020. Then, the Quantum Community Network (QCN), one of the three governing bodies of the Quantum Flagship, expressed the need of setting up a privately owned body to advocate, promote, and foster the common interests of the European Quantum Industry towards all Quantum Technologies stakeholders. After the organization of the first virtual event officially launching QuIC, organized by Prof. Calarco, Dr. Daniele Binosi, Ms. Monica Constantin and Dr. Enrique Sánchez-Bautista and Dr. Thomas Strohm, the Founding Assembly was finally held on February 4th 2021, merely a year after the idea was conceived.
This extremely important community effort has been highlighted by Dr. Thomas Skordas, Director of Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure of DG CONNECT who said the establishment of QuIC “Comes at a time when the Union has ambitious plans for quantum research and technology deployment in Europe, in order to make the digital decade a reality. The association will be a precious partner in contributing to these aims and in developing a thriving quantum industrial ecosystem in Europe”.