Interruptor Background 02

Quantum Coherent Control in an Atomic Force Microscope

Karlsruhe Institute for Technology

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The quantum nature of a physical system often emerges from its fundamental building blocks, such as atoms and molecules. In our group, we aim to establish coherent control of these individual quantum objects by advancing the recently realized combination of electron spin resonance and scanning tunneling microscopy (ESR-STM) [1]. ESR-STM allows for the coherent manipulation of single atom spins [2], addressing single atom nuclear spins [3] and high-resolution magnetic sensing [4,5]. This could recently be extended also to molecular spin systems [6]. The goal of this PhD thesis, in the framework of the ERC StG project ATOMQUANT, is to extend this technique towards atomic force microscopy. Thus, our main goal is to create a new solid-state architecture for magnetic sensing and quantum information processing operating on the atomic scale. During your work, you will gain practical experience in scanning probe microscopy, coherent manipulation of atomic spin centers, ultra high vacuum and low-temperature experiments as well as radio frequency (RF) electronics. You will work in a young enthusiastic team at the forefront of an exciting new field of research. Our new lab is fully running and has two unique mK ESR Scanning Probe Microscopes which gives you the unique opportunity to take your next career step in a thriving and dynamic environment. 

The focus of the thesis can be adjusted to the preference of the applicant. The initial contract length is 36 months for PhD candidates.

Interested candidates shall email a letter of motivation, a CV, and names and emails of up to two potential references to TTProf. Dr. Philip Willke ( Shortlisted candidates will be continuously contacted until the end of the hiring period and will be invited for a remote or on-site interview and presentation.

[1] S. Baumann et al., Science, 350(6259), 417-420 (2015) [2] K. Yang et al., Science 366 (6464) 509-512 (2019) [3] P. Willke et al., Science 362, 336–339 (2018) [4] P. Willke et al., Nature Physics 15, 1005–1010 (2019), [5] F. Natterer, et al. Nature 543, 226-228 (2017), [6] X. Zhang et al., Nature Chem. (2022).


·        Master’s degree in physics or related fields including a final thesis project.

·        Prior experience in low-temperature STM/AFM, work with molecular or atomic systems, working with UHV and radiofrequency equipment, electron spin resonance, programming skills (Matlab/Python) will be preferred.

·        High proficiency in spoken and written English.


·        The gross starting salary follows German standards. PhD-Students will be paid 50% German TV-L E13 salary, and will increase to 75% German TV-L E13 Salary starting from the second year (The exact salary depends on the candidate’s qualifications and professional experience).

·        The intended start date is as soon as possible.


The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of the largest scientific institutions in Europe. It is the only German university of excellence with a national large-scale research center combining a long university tradition with program-oriented cutting-edge research.
The university south campus is located in the heart of Karlsruhe, a young and vibrant city. It is well located in the heart of Germany and Europe, with less than one hour away from Frankfurt airport, less than 3 hours from Paris, and at the edge of the Blackwood forest as well as the Elsass. Karlsruhe is located in the state of Baden-Wuerttenberg, one of the hubs for innovation in Germany, making it an outstanding basis for your future career. Our research group on quantum coherent control of new atomic-scale spin systems is based at the Physikalisches Institut at KIT, a unique center for a variety of quantum architectures. Within this environment we use scanning tunneling microscopy to study and control atomic scale quantum systems with cutting-edge technologies and instrumentation.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Philip Willke

Twitter: @WillkePhilip


How to apply

Interested candidates shall email a letter of motivation, a CV, and names and emails of up to two potential references to TTProf. Dr. Philip Willke ( Shortlisted candidates will be continuously contacted until the end of the hiring period and will be invited for a remote or on-site interview and presentation.

Karlsruhe Institute for Technology

Wolfgang-Gaede-Straße 1
76131 Karlsruhe, Deutschland

Quantum Coherent Control in an Atomic Force Microscope
JOB DESCRIPTION The quantum nature of a physical system often emerges from its fundamental building blocks, such as atoms and molecules. In our group, we aim to establish coherent control of these individual quantum objects by advancing the recently realized combination of electron spin resonance and scanning tunneling microscopy (ESR-STM) [1]. ESR-STM allows for the coherent manipulation of single atom spins [2], addressing single atom nuclear spins [3] and high-resolution magnetic sensing [4,5]. This could recently be extended also to molecular spin systems [6]. The goal of this PhD thesis, in the framework of the ERC StG project ATOMQUANT, is to extend this technique towards atomic force microscopy. Thus, our main goal is to create a new solid-state architecture for magnetic sensing and quantum information processing operating on the atomic scale. During your work, you will gain practical experience in scanning probe microscopy, coherent manipulation of atomic spin centers, ultra high vacuum and low-temperature experiments as well as radio frequency (RF) electronics. You will work in a young enthusiastic team at the forefront of an exciting new field of research. Our new lab is fully running and has two unique mK ESR Scanning Probe Microscopes which gives you the unique opportunity to take your next career step in a thriving and dynamic environment.  The focus of the thesis can be adjusted to the preference of the applicant. The initial contract length is 36 months for PhD candidates. Interested candidates shall email a letter of motivation, a CV, and names and emails of up to two potential references to TTProf. Dr. Philip Willke ( Shortlisted candidates will be continuously contacted until the end of the hiring period and will be invited for a remote or on-site interview and presentation. [1] S. Baumann et al., Science, 350(6259), 417-420 (2015) [2] K. Yang et al., Science 366 (6464) 509-512 (2019) [3] P. Willke et al., Science 362, 336–339 (2018) [4] P. Willke et al., Nature Physics 15, 1005–1010 (2019), [5] F. Natterer, et al. Nature 543, 226-228 (2017), [6] X. Zhang et al., Nature Chem. (2022). REQUIREMENTS ·        Master’s degree in physics or related fields including a final thesis project. ·        Prior experience in low-temperature STM/AFM, work with molecular or atomic systems, working with UHV and radiofrequency equipment, electron spin resonance, programming skills (Matlab/Python) will be preferred. ·        High proficiency in spoken and written English. CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT ·        The gross starting salary follows German standards. PhD-Students will be paid 50% German TV-L E13 salary, and will increase to 75% German TV-L E13 Salary starting from the second year (The exact salary depends on the candidate’s qualifications and professional experience). ·        The intended start date is as soon as possible. EMPLOYER The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of the largest scientific institutions in Europe. It is the only German university of excellence with a national large-scale research center combining a long university tradition with program-oriented cutting-edge research. The university south campus is located in the heart of Karlsruhe, a young and vibrant city. It is well located in the heart of Germany and Europe, with less than one hour away from Frankfurt airport, less than 3 hours from Paris, and at the edge of the Blackwood forest as well as the Elsass. Karlsruhe is located in the state of Baden-Wuerttenberg, one of the hubs for innovation in Germany, making it an outstanding basis for your future career. Our research group on quantum coherent control of new atomic-scale spin systems is based at the Physikalisches Institut at KIT, a unique center for a variety of quantum architectures. Within this environment we use scanning tunneling microscopy to study and control atomic scale quantum systems with cutting-edge technologies and instrumentation. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFor more information, please contact:TTProf. Dr. Philip Willke Web: Twitter: @WillkePhilip  Email:  
Quantum physics
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology
Wolfgang-Gaede-Straße 1
Interruptor Background

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