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Postdoc in Malta (Qauntum Flagship project: ASPECTS)

University of Malta

Apply for this job

Applications are invited for a Research Support Officer (RSO) or Senior Research Support Officer (SRSO) to carry out duties in relation to the ASPECTS project, which is funded by Horizon Europe, and in which the University of Malta is a partner. (More info available @ ).

Applicants should be in possession of a MSc. or a Ph.D. in Physics and/or Mathematics and/or Computer Science.  For the level of RSO IV, candidates should also have a minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent research experience after the PhD is awarded, whilst for the level of SRSO I, candidates should have a minimum of 6 years full-time equivalent research experience after the PhD is awarded.

Applicants should have documented expertise and skills related to the topic of the projects: quantum thermodynamics, quantum non-Markovianity, quantum metrology, thermodynamics uncertainty relations, theoretical knowledge of quantum dot, superconducting qubits and carbon nanotubes.



How to apply

Candidates must upload their covering letter, curriculum vitae, and certificates (certificates should be submitted in English) and contact details of at least two referees through this form by not later than Thursday15th February 2024. 

University of Malta

University Ring Road
MSD2080 Malta, Malta

Postdoc in Malta (Qauntum Flagship project: ASPECTS)
Applications are invited for a Research Support Officer (RSO) or Senior Research Support Officer (SRSO) to carry out duties in relation to the ASPECTS project, which is funded by Horizon Europe, and in which the University of Malta is a partner. (More info available @ ). Applicants should be in possession of a MSc. or a Ph.D. in Physics and/or Mathematics and/or Computer Science.  For the level of RSO IV, candidates should also have a minimum of 3 years full-time equivalent research experience after the PhD is awarded, whilst for the level of SRSO I, candidates should have a minimum of 6 years full-time equivalent research experience after the PhD is awarded. Applicants should have documented expertise and skills related to the topic of the projects: quantum thermodynamics, quantum non-Markovianity, quantum metrology, thermodynamics uncertainty relations, theoretical knowledge of quantum dot, superconducting qubits and carbon nanotubes.    
Quantum physics
University of Malta
University Ring Road
Interruptor Background

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