PhD position at Spectroscopy at Atomic Scale laboratory
Centro fisica de materiales
We offer a PhD position (m/f) in the area of surface science to a highly motivated young scientist who wish to get deep knowledge on scanning probe techniques. The successful candidate will join the group of Spectroscopy at Atomic Scale led by Lucia Vitali at Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CFM) in the vibrant San Sebastian (Spain). The lab focuses experimental activities in interfaces for quantum sensors pursing research lines in chemical physics, nanoelectronics and energy scavenging. We welcome applications for a research project based on the synthesis and local characterization of two-dimensional hetero-structures of van der Waals honeycomb lattices.
How to apply Dead line for applications May 30th, 2022
PhD position at Spectroscopy at Atomic Scale laboratory
We offer a PhD position (m/f) in the area of surface science to a highly motivated young scientist who wish to get deep knowledge on scanning probe techniques. The successful candidate will join the group of Spectroscopy at Atomic Scale led by Lucia Vitali at Centro de Fisica de Materiales (CFM) in the vibrant San Sebastian (Spain). The lab focuses experimental activities in interfaces for quantum sensors pursing research lines in chemical physics, nanoelectronics and energy scavenging. We welcome applications for a research project based on the synthesis and local characterization of two-dimensional hetero-structures of van der Waals honeycomb lattices.