Optical Integration of Cryogenic Quantum Technologies
21.05 22.05.2025 | Original Sokos Hotel Presidentti Finnland
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Scaling up quantum technologies like cryogenic quantum computers has posed a bottleneck: present microwave cabling solutions conduct a significant amount of heat into the cryogenic temperatures. This is a major limitation for the energy efficiency and sustainability of cryogenic technologies, and a challenge for scaling up. In this workshop, we focus on one potential solution: optical signal/data delivery between room temperatures and cryogenics, which may be combined with other techniques. In addition to scalability, optical techniques also enable an increased bandwidth.
We are looking for excellent scientific and technical talks, both from academia and companies on topics such as:
- Optical systems useful or related to any branches of quantum technologies: communication, computing, metrology, or sensing as long as they involve cryogenic temperatures;
- Optical control and readout (input/output) techniques;
- Optical control (signal generation) techniques that may include, e.g., optoelectronic, superconducting, or semiconducting technologies, and also integrated photonics at cryogenic temperatures;
- Readout techniques that may include, e.g., microwave to optical transduction, cryogenic optical modulators, or cryogenic optoelectronic oscilloscopes;
- The input/output signals that may be, e.g., analogue signals or digital data;
- Practical techniques such as cryogenic optical packaging.
The OpenSuperQPlus project is a part of the European Quantum Technology Flagship, focusing on the development of superconducting quantum computers. The project will have its regular (closed) meeting this time in Espoo, Finland, from May 19 until May 21, hosted by VTT and Aalto University. This meeting will already bring together plenty of European experts working on the optical integration, both from industry and academia.
In this satellite workshop, we warmly welcome participants also outside the OpenSuperQPlus consortium, as our intention is to widen the scope beyond that of OpenSuperQPlus. We are aware of many scattered efforts toward the optical integration of cryogenic quantum technologies, and it is time to bring people together for the first time to a focused open workshop.
Confirmed invited speakers (to be updated)
Mark Bieler - Department Quantum Electronics, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Robert Stockill - CTO, QphoX
Claudia Hoessbacher - CEO & Co-Founder, Polariton Technologies AG
Stefan Koepfli - Postdoc, ETH Zurich

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