Interruptor Background 02

Fractional quantum Hall physics with ultracold atoms

26.03 26.03.2025 | Online

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Abstract: Fascinating phenomena can arise when ensembles of quantum particles interact in a correlated fashion. Emblematic instances are fractional quantum Hall states, which realize special types of quantum fluids with extraordinary properties, such as fractionalized charges and anyonic statistics. In this talk, we will first explore how state-of-the-art quantum simulation techniques are bringing these concepts into cold-atom experiments. We will then describe a recent experimental realization of a Laughlin-type fractional quantum Hall state using bosonic atoms in an optical lattice, where clear signatures were detected using a quantum gas microscope. We’ll dive into how these experiments work, what they reveal about quantum physics, and comment on promising perspectives.

Speakers: Prof. Nathan Goldman & Ass. Prof. Julian Leonard

Format: Each talk will be 20 + 10 minutes, followed by 15 minutes of general discussion.
2nd seminar in the qmeets series
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Interruptor Background

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