Emerging trends in many-body cavity quantum electrodynamics”,
21.08 26.08.2022 | Manchester Central Convention Complex United Kingdom
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Dear Colleague, As the organisers, we would like to bring your attention to our mini-colloquium “Emerging trends in many-body cavity quantum electrodynamics”, which will be part of the IOP conference CMD29. After 39 years, the conference returns to Manchester (the location of CMD2) and will take place from 21-26 August 2022. For more information please see https://cmd29.iopconfs.org/ The purpose of our mini-colloquium is to bring together diverse researchers of light-matter physics, condensed matter, and statistical physics to present and discuss emerging theoretical, numerical, and experimental results, to share ideas, and to understand and expand the scope of future research on the thermodynamics of many-body cavity QED systems. The thermodynamic phases of many-body systems within cavities have been of perennial interest since the seminal work of Dicke, Hepp and Lieb. The subject has become a rich interdisciplinary field, with connections to quantum chaos, open quantum systems theory, and superconducting circuits. Recently, these topics have received renewed interest, resulting in numerous contemporary theoretical studies on ultra-strongly coupled cavity QED systems and strongly correlated electrons coupled to one- and two-dimensional fields. Many open challenges remain, including the roles played by strong light-matter interactions, gauge-freedom, and the legitimacy of approximations. We would like to encourage you to submit an abstract for a 15-minute oral presentation or for a poster contribution. Abstract submission is a simple step-by-step process via the following webpage https://cmd29.iopconfs.org/abstractslive When choosing a topic for your submission, please select “Emerging trends in many-body cavity quantum electrodynamics” from the drop-down menu. The deadline for abstract submission is 15th April 2022. We hope you and your students/colleagues can attend so that we can have a lively exchange of ideas and discussion. With warm regards, Adam Stokes, Ahsan Nazir, and Peter Rabl (colloquium organisers)

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