In celebration of its 800th anniversary, the University of Napoli ‘Federico II’ is having a two-day event, on October 22-23, 2024, showcasing excellence in research and innovation for the academic and business communities, to be held at Cornell Tech Campus, on Roosevelt Island, in New York City (USA).
In this occasion, prof. Tafuri will present their new 40-qubit superconductive quantum computer.
‘Federico II’ is one of the largest universities in Italy and in Europe, with almost 80.000 students, 3000 professors, and 5000 Ph.D. students and post-docs.
This year they are celebrating the 800th anniversary of its founding, on June 5, 1224, as the first State University in the world, by the order by Federico II of Svevia, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
With 26 Departments, 12 of which have been recently selected as “Departments of Excellence” by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, ‘Federico II’ is one of the major centers in the Italian research and innovation system, with strong ties to leading global companies such as Apple, CISCO, Accenture, Leonardo, Boeing, Hitachi Rail, Stellantis, Novartis, Merck.

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