To monitor progress in quantum technologies in Europe, in 2021 the Quantum Flagship set out ambitious Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and has been measuring them annually since then. Such KPI measurements are crucial for identifying which areas require focus and for fostering the overall growth of the European quantum ecosystem. The KPI values for the year 2023 can now be announced.
Quantum technologies leverage on quantum physics properties to provide disruptive solutions for processing information, exchanging data and interacting with the world around us. The European Commission has identified the quantum technologies as a strategic asset, launching different quantum initiatives to consolidate and expand European scientific leadership and excellence in this area, to develop a competitive European industry in quantum technologies and to make Europe a dynamic and attractive region for innovative research, business and investments in this field.
Europe is committed to quantum excellence and innovation having a strong role in the global quantum scientific and industrial world. In this sense, the Quantum Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) has identified a set of very ambitious KPIs to guide, to track and to monitor the progress of the quantum technology in Europe. The KPIs monitor six key aspects of the quantum area: Ecosystem, Quantum Communication, Quantum Computing, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Sensing and Metrology, and Education.
The 2023 values of the KPIs for Quantum Technologies in Europe are now published. The results show the impressive progress of Europe in the area of quantum technologies.
The KPIs values were defined with the best present knowledge of the European quantum community, combining reasonable and attainable results with a healthy dose of ambition. However, the fast progress in some areas and the rapid advancement of technology make of this paper a living document, requiring a periodic review and adjustment. Therefore, deviations for single KPIs may occur. This document presents the KPIs values of 2023 together with the perspectives towards 2030, which reflect the overall research and innovation goals as set forth in the Strategic Research and Industry Agenda. The KPIs include both quantitative and qualitative evaluations of the quoted goals. It is assumed that there is and will be consistent and continued support for fundamental research and basic science as well as the tight interaction with European industry in order to ensure that Europe continues in maintaining excellence in scientific expertise and leads to create the best conditions for future breakthroughs.
The information presented in this document results from the collaboration among the academic, public, and private sector representatives from SAB, the Quantum Coordination Board (QCB), the Quantum Community Network (QCN), the European Quantum Industry Consortium (QuIC), and the Flagship coordination office through the Coordination and Support Action (QUCATS). The KPI values for 2023 were measured in the beginning of 2024 by surveying the members of the SAB, the QCB, the QuIC and the QUCATS. The plausibility of the collected results was verified and validated by the SAB. Multiple rounds of feedback from those bodies were collected to define the 2023 KPIs values, to tune the target values for the year 2030, and estimate the annual progress required to reach those targets.
A colour scale was adopted to represent the health of the KPIs in terms of the feasibility of reaching the ambitious 2030 targets. The document also highlights the KPIs in which Europe is ahead of the expected schedule, or the 2030 target was already achieved, showing the extraordinary advancement of Europe in the quantum field. Some remarkable cases include: