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For those who always wanted to have a go at quantum computing, QuTech has launched Quantum Inspire. This quantum computing platform is designed to support your first steps into the fascinating world of quantum computation and to help you explore the opportunities that the power of quantum will offer in the future. Get inspired by access to various technologies to perform quantum computations, insights in the principles of quantum computing and become a member of the community.
QuTech (founded by TNO and TU Delft) has built Quantum Inspire to write and execute algorithms with the QI Editor on the QX simulator. Algorithms up to 37 qubits can be executed not only on our own servers but also on the supercomputer platform Cartesius at Surfsara.
Quantum Inspire provides users a variety of ways to program quantum algorithms, execute these algorithms and examine the results. It provides a graphical interface to program in QASM (Quantum Assembly Language) and to visualize operations in circuit diagrams. With the QI Editor non-quantum experts learn to write quantum algorithms with support of automatic syntax checking. A Quick Guide explains how. The output of a quantum algorithm can be examined using our built-in data viewer. Users can also download the raw output of quantum algorithms for more detailed analysis and examination of results.
Quantum Inspire offers several types of accounts; Anonymous, Basic and Advanced. As an anonymous user you can write some basic algorithms and use up to 5 qubits in our QX Simulator without having the possibility to save and share your results. With a basic account you can simulate quantum algorithms with up to 31 qubits and/or execute them on our (future) hardware back-ends. With an advanced account you can simulate up to 37 qubits using more powerful computer power on Cartesius, one of the Dutch supercomputers at SURFsara.