YRS: Topological aspects of quantum physics
21.04 27.04.2024 | Maynooth University Irland
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The Young Researchers Integrability School and Workshop (YRISW) is an ongoing series of meetings devoted to review the latest advances in exact techniques in theoretical physics, at the frontier with mathematics. Past editions have focused on integrable quantum field theories, exact results in AdS/CFT, low dimensional physical systems, and superconformal field theories. The topic of the 2024 edition of the Young Research School is the exploration of the topological properties of low dimensional quantum field theories. In particular, the school will offer an introduction to the fast evolving field of generalised symmetries, quantum computions and topological insulators.
The 2024 edition will be the 8th in a series of meetings, which are characterised by an underlying idea: a meeting for young researchers, designed by young researchers. The topics are presented in a pedagogical way, combining long blackboard lectures and tutorials, in such a way as to be accessible to PhD students in theoretical physics as well as to exceptional MSc students.
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