Synchrotron and FEL radiation for quantum technology
04.10 04.10.2023 | Online Deutschland
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The workshop aims at researchers at quantum technology. We will give an overview about experimental capabilities at synchrotron radiation and free-electron laser sources and how they serve applications in quantum technology, i. e., quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum metrology, and quantum communication. Examples are the detection of impurities and strain in semiconductor qubit platforms, of the sources of dielectric losses in oxides of superconducting qubits, and of surface traps that limit the coherence time of diamond NV centers.
We will start with an overview and a highlight presentation. Then we will inform about instrumentation and access to synchrotron and FEL radiation in Europe. Participants are then invited to present scientific questions, and we will discuss the possibility of new access modes to address these questions as well as the need for dedicated instrumentation and support.
We invite you and your group members to join our mini-workshop.
Registration is open!
This workshop is part of the LEAPS-INNOV WP9. This project has received funding from the Europen Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101004728.

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