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QT for Policymakers: Efforts and Investments Beyond EU

30.01 30.01.2025 | Online

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We are pleased to announce the next session of the Quantum Technology Training for Policymakers provided by the Coordination and Support Action for the Quantum Flagship (QUCATS)!  
You are welcome to register for the session and share this invitation with interested policymakers in government, academia, industry and other areas. 
  • Introduction to the training by Oxana Mishina (CNR, IT)
  • Canadian Quantum Technology's current efforts and investments by Louise Turner
  • UK quantum ecosystem assessment  by Joe Spencer
  • Q&A

A series of nine training sessions addressing policymakers at the EU and national levels is designed in collaboration with EC policymakers and tailored to their interests and needs. It will cover a broad spectrum of topics, from the use cases of quantum flagship pillars (computing, sensing, metrology, and communication) to the quantum ecosystem, efforts in Europe and Worldwide, and societal challenges. During this training, the participants will gain the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions, cooperate with peers from other countries, and discuss QTech topics with experts. All sessions are recorded and are available online.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the session!

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