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EPO webinar: Patenting Quantum-based Technologies

16.09 16.09.2022 | Online

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Computers and computer-implemented inventions (CII) have been appearing in patent applications across all fields of technology. Such inventions relate to items potentially excluded from patentability (Article 52(2) and (3) EPC) and therefore yield specific challenges for patent professionals. This series of four 1.5-hour lectures focuses on disruptive CII technologies which are ever more common in industry and hence also in patent applications. The lectures address the specifics of patenting these technologies using examples. A team of EPO experts in the particular field, a patent attorney and a representative of industry will explore the topics of: 01.04.22 – Patenting CII (the essentials) 10.06.22 – Patenting AI 16.09.22 – Patenting quantum-based technologies 10.11.22 – Patenting IoT (internet of things) Find further details and registration link here.

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