6th Seefeld Workshop on Quantum Information
23.06 28.06.2024 | Seefeld, Tirol, Austria Österreich
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This will be the sixth edition of the workshop which focuses on recent developments in quantum information and computation—entanglement theory, quantum networks, non-locality, quantum measurements and tomography, quantum metrology, entanglement in condensed matter systems and more. More information regarding the workshop can be found on the workshop webpage (https://www.uibk.ac.at/th-physik/seefeld2024/). The aim of these workshops is to bring together researchers working in the field of quantum information to discuss the latest developments in the field and establish collaborations in a relaxing and picturesque village of the Austrian Alps. To that end, very few talks will be scheduled per day in order to facilitate plenty of time for fruitful discussions.
A number of prominent speakers have confirmed their participation and we anticipate an interesting and stimulating meeting.
Confirmed speakers include (alphabetically):
Plenary speakers:
— Antonio Acín (ICFO Barcelona)
— Ignacio Cirac (MPQ Garching)
— Renato Renner (ETH Zurich)
Invited speakers:
— Harry Buhrmann (CWI, Amsterdam)
— Eric Chitambar (University of Illinois)
— Giulio Chiribella (University of Hong Kong)
— Vedran Dunjko (Leiden University)
— David Elkouss (TU Delft and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
— Gilad Gour (University of Calgary)
— Marcus Huber (TU Vienna & IQOQI Vienna)
— Richard Küng (University of Linz)
— Lorenzo Maccone (University of Pavia)
— Mio Murao (University of Tokyo)
— Michał Oszmaniec (Centre for Theoretical Physics, Warsaw)
— Robert Raussendorf (Leibniz University, Hannover)
— Pavel Sekatski (University of Geneva)
— Marco Tomamichel (National University of Singapore)
In addition to the invited talks, we plan to have an extensive poster session and we strongly encourage participants to present a poster about their current research.
For more information, please visit the workshop homepage. Registration is now open.
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